Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Yipe, Yipe, Yipee!!

It is my turn, it is my turn, finally she is going to record my musings!  I am a lucky dog!  So much to yap about, so let's just get started.  I know it has been an extremely long time, but I can only control my human to a point! (even that hasn't been working lately!)  So we had a very festive holiday season.  That funny fat man came again this year, starting to realize he is my friend.  He has a funny red bag and when he comes, he puts his paw in it and out comes a bag of treats, wish my human would pull a bag of treats out of that yarn bag she is always carrying around...hint..hint...hint

Santa and me!

So OK, my human decides that my window mate Stitches needs to go see MY vet.  Whatever possessed her to take her to our house, I will never know.  What I learned from that experience....when Stitches is mad, stay as far away from her as possible, she has claws!  Do not take Stitches into a house that has other canines like myself, she has claws, Do not share my special vet friend with Stitches, why...SHE HAS CLAWS!  It was quite an adventure, that I do not care to repeat! I tend to be a kind of quiet, laid back dog, which for some reason seems to amaze alot of people. 

Life is Good

I don't know about the rest of you, but I sure have been feeling the cold lately, so one day I wear my sweater and the next day I don't.  Can't quite get this all figured out.  My human seems to be confused about this cold thing also!

Oh, yea, I want to tell you about my  new friend Bella, she came to visit me here.  She came from the same place Stitches came from, but she is a big canine and so friendly.  I want to go to the dog park with her.  She would have so much fun there.  I miss Zipper and Bailey, darn I can't remember that black dog's name, but I miss him too!

My human tells me we are going to have lots of company and that I cannot kiss the baby all the time.  I am so confused, I thought I was the baby, how can I kiss myself?  This should be interesting and I am sure we will have lots of new pictures and stories to tell soon.    This is my housemate Athena, we really aren't good buddies; espiecally after she tried to eat me a few days ago, but my humans say we have to learn to get along.  Easy to say when you are the same size as her!