Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Yipe, Yipe, Yipee!!

It is my turn, it is my turn, finally she is going to record my musings!  I am a lucky dog!  So much to yap about, so let's just get started.  I know it has been an extremely long time, but I can only control my human to a point! (even that hasn't been working lately!)  So we had a very festive holiday season.  That funny fat man came again this year, starting to realize he is my friend.  He has a funny red bag and when he comes, he puts his paw in it and out comes a bag of treats, wish my human would pull a bag of treats out of that yarn bag she is always carrying around...hint..hint...hint

Santa and me!

So OK, my human decides that my window mate Stitches needs to go see MY vet.  Whatever possessed her to take her to our house, I will never know.  What I learned from that experience....when Stitches is mad, stay as far away from her as possible, she has claws!  Do not take Stitches into a house that has other canines like myself, she has claws, Do not share my special vet friend with Stitches, why...SHE HAS CLAWS!  It was quite an adventure, that I do not care to repeat! I tend to be a kind of quiet, laid back dog, which for some reason seems to amaze alot of people. 

Life is Good

I don't know about the rest of you, but I sure have been feeling the cold lately, so one day I wear my sweater and the next day I don't.  Can't quite get this all figured out.  My human seems to be confused about this cold thing also!

Oh, yea, I want to tell you about my  new friend Bella, she came to visit me here.  She came from the same place Stitches came from, but she is a big canine and so friendly.  I want to go to the dog park with her.  She would have so much fun there.  I miss Zipper and Bailey, darn I can't remember that black dog's name, but I miss him too!

My human tells me we are going to have lots of company and that I cannot kiss the baby all the time.  I am so confused, I thought I was the baby, how can I kiss myself?  This should be interesting and I am sure we will have lots of new pictures and stories to tell soon.    This is my housemate Athena, we really aren't good buddies; espiecally after she tried to eat me a few days ago, but my humans say we have to learn to get along.  Easy to say when you are the same size as her!


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hello, I am still here

My goodness, I have just let my human know how very upset I am that she hasn't been recording my wonderful ramblings on life.  Does she think she is the only one that is busy around here?  My feline friend and I are beginning to think that we are not as high on the priority list as we sound be!  Uhhmmfff!

I am so loving this wonderful cool weather, well it was cool there for a day or two.  I got lucky and got to go to one of my favorite places, Tail and Trails, the best dog park this side of Arlington!  My house mates, Athena and Snuggles got to go to.  My human always starts me and Snuggles in the part where all the small dogs our size are, but it doesn't take long for her to figure out we want to be with Athena in the big dog park.  She protects us from the super friendly big dogs that like to smell all over us.  Our humans walk with us in the woods and there are so many places we get to leave our marks.  I have invited my human to leave her mark, but she doesn't!

So today as I am gaurding the store by watching out the windows, I am seeing some strange sights.  I know that human next door does not normally have ears that stick up and whiskers like my feline friend coming off of her face, all in black with this long thing I think is supposed to be a tail.  Than I saw what I thought were my small friends, but they looked more like orange balls, I heard my human say something about such cute pumpkins.  I am so confused today.  That human dressed like a clown did not seem to be making people laugh, but the little humans were running and screaming.  It sounded sort of scary but watching them run seemed like it might be fun to run with them. 

Well I hope you enjoyed the pictures my human posted here, hope to see you soon at my work or at the wonderful dog park!
The little guy is my pal.  His name is Snuggles and he is 12 years old.  The big dog, laying in my spot, in our special room at home, well she is sort of my pal, just a tad too frisky sometimes for me, that's Athena, she protects us at our park and loves it when we get to go as much as I do!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It's a lazy day in May

Oh, it has been so exciting lately.  All these windows to watch out and warn my owner about any upcoming customers.   I get a little confused, they park in front of me and then go to that place next door.  Sometimes, the children talk to me thru the window.  They love it when I talk back, some times they actually come in when I invite them.  My friend Bridgette has been to see me recently, but my friend Zipper will be gone for a long time as he has gone to his summer home somewhere up North.  He says it is cooler there.  I will miss him alot, I like sharing my treats with Zipper, Bridgette is a little picky about my treats and doesn't eat them, that's ok, I get what she leaves. 

Things at home are going well, except for that big dog, humans call Athena, I call her rude!  She actually thinks she can sit in my mom's lap like I do.  She doesn't know how ridiculous she looks when she tries to do that.  OK, so my mom fixed up this special room which has all the stuff in it like the place where we work, this big oaf has decided since I sleep on the back of the couch that she can to.  Are all younger siblings this way? 

My buddy Athena after she came back from that place that dogs hate.....veterian!
My friend Bridget

Again, the human got the cat pictures up and she is yelling at the computer..something that goes like this $^%^#@@#@# pictures!  Keep checking back for them!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

These are a few of the friends that come to visit me, sadly my human has lost pictures of my other friends. I will be sure when they come back that she gets more pictures. I am quite happy in my new abode. So many windows, so many cars, so many people that go to the place next door. And all of my friends seem to like visiting me here, there is grass for us to sniff and chew on! Bring your human and come visit.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Merry Christmas - Ya'll

We had a wonderful Christmas party the other night. It was good to see old friends again. My human threw a party/cookie swap in my honor. I especially enjoyed all the nibbles the humans brought. I probably over-enjoyed all the nibbles, because I didn't even want my Milk Bone at store closing. Oooh, those sausage rolls will get you every time.

Did I mention that Santa came to visit us. I wasn't overly thrilled to sit on his lap. I thought about showing him how I felt about it by leaving a reminder of me there, but I am too much of a lady. He really needn't have commuted all that way before Christmas just on my behalf. A text would have been fine. Anyway, my human got a picture of me being smothered in his big mittened paws and white brillo-pad of a beard and that seemed to make her smile. I assure you I wasn't smiling. I think they got one last picture of Santa only managing to hold my backlegs as I vaulted off his lap. Sometimes we, the staff, must endure the strangest things to make management happy. Thankfully this holiday comes but once a year. Soon, he can go back to the North Pole and suffocate a reindeer or two and I won't mind a bit.

As usual, I mingled at the party, giving each visitor some quality time with me next to them. Nothing too overt, mind you. I didn't try to crawl on their laps with their plates. I just laid next to them with my head on their leg, looking up with longing eyes at their faces. (I learned this move from a Cocker Spaniel of my acquaintance. It seemed to work better for him, either because he had HUGE eyes, or because he didn't have a human nearby telling everyone that he doesn't eat people food.... the nerve...jheesh.)
Still working on my 'pitiful-me' technique. I definitely have the 'cute' down.

We are going to have special holiday hours coming up at the store and that means more time at home to knit and lay on my human's feet. I can't wait. I need some down-time. This new building is great in that it has plenty of windows to look out and no skateboards zooming by. I can see the parking lot quite clearly, so I have plenty of time to get my tail cranked into wagging mode. But, the floorspace is big, and I am on my feet all day checking on this customer and that. And ever since my human rearranged the yarn shelves, I've been having to relearn my circumnavigation. Quite frankly, I'm pooped.  (But, better pooped out than pooped on, I say.) Anyway, It'll be great to just relax in front of the fireplace and dream of sugar plum-flavored DentaStix.

Merry Christmas to all and to all, a peaceful night.

ps. my human says she'll post my Santa strangling picture here as soon as it gets sent to her by the elves. ...yeah, whatever

Monday, August 8, 2011

Bye Bye to Bentley

Way past my bedtime

The other night we had a big bash to send Bentley and his human, Denise, off to their new home in Oklahoma. Lots of folks showed up and everyone brought food.... oh yeah.

Bentley says he is going to like his new home. He has already met his neighbors and said they are real salt-of-the-earth types, not at all stuck-up like Yorkies.... (wait, do you think he meant me?)

He'll probably get an Okey twang and listen to country western stations. He says we can keep in touch via his Twitter page. (He thinks he is so cool because he has a Twitter page. Yes, but he doesn't have his own blog!

Salon night gone terribly wrong... heh heh heh

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fourth of July Bash at My Crib

Dang, it was hot over the holidays. This year we decided to forego the parade and spend all day hanging out with friends at the pool. I didn't want to get my lovely hair wet, but as usual, Athena (aka. the big Lummux) kept doing cannonballs into the pool and splashing me. What a goofball!. I had to have a salon day just to wash all the chlorine out so that my hair so it didn't turn green.

My human made strawberry shortcake, which she didn't want me to have. Thank heavens, her friends are easily bribed.

Good friends, good food, good fun, even with stupid St. Bernards.